Layer 8 Podcast

Layer 8 Podcast

Layer 8 Conference

Welcome to the Layer 8 Podcast season 3! This season we’ll have conversations with social engineers and OSINT investigators who will tell their stories. We hope you enjoy them.

Categorias: Tecnología

Escuchar el último episodio:

This is the second part of a two-part podcast episode with Alethe Denis. If you missed the first part, you'll want to go back and listen to that first as this episode picks up, mid-story where Alethe has just caught the eye of a security guard during a social engineering engagement. Can she evade the guard or will the job come to an end?

Alethe is a senior security consultant with Bishop Fox, has given presentations to multiple conferences, including a keynote on redteaming. Alethe was also the featured guest on one of the most popular episodes of Darknet Diaries.

Episodios anteriores

  • 114 - Episode 113: "I'm Not a Threat, But You're Adorable" - Alethe, Part 2 
    Mon, 02 Sep 2024
  • 113 - Episode 112: Red Teaming with Alethe Denis, Part 1 
    Mon, 19 Aug 2024
  • 112 - Episode 111: OsmosisCon's Cynthia and Bret 
    Mon, 05 Aug 2024
  • 111 - Episode 110: Andreas Heideck and Social Engineering Simplicity 
    Mon, 22 Jul 2024
  • 110 - Episode 109: Justin Seitz and Kennedy Chappell  
    Mon, 08 Jul 2024
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