Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep

Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep


Having trouble sleeping?  Join Yoga and meditation teacher Kathryn Nicolai for bedtime stories where nothing much happens to help you relax and sleep peacefully. The stories are a soft landing spot for your mind. Rather than letting your brain race through the same thoughts you’ve been chasing all day, we are taking a detour to a calm and comfy place. We tell the story twice and go a bit slower the second time.

You can find our book, "Nothing Much Happens," in over 20 languages. Request your local bookseller to shelve it:

Categorias: Salud

Escuchar el último episodio:

Relax with "At the Diamond," a soothing story about summer days, soft green grass, and a home run hit out past center field. Perfect for unwinding. Listen on Nothing Much Happens.

Episodios anteriores

  • 306 - At The Diamond (Encore) 
    Thu, 05 Sep 2024
  • 305 - Chef & Sycamore 
    Mon, 02 Sep 2024
  • 304 - Retreat (Encore) 
    Thu, 29 Aug 2024
  • 303 - Pickle Season 
    Mon, 26 Aug 2024
  • 302 - The Main Sail (Encore) 
    Thu, 22 Aug 2024
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